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Smart Machine
Want to save time on your milling operations, but aren’t ready to make the large investment required for a CNC milling machine? There is an efficient option. Realizing the large price difference between “Traditional Milling Machines" and "CNC Milling Machines," and seeing the lack of intermediate products on the market, PaoFong focused on the design and manufacturing of Numerical Control (NC) Milling Machines that automate many traditional milling operations. By incorporating relevant controller systems, many traditional, manual, or electric milling machines can be upgraded to smart automatic milling machines. Using G and M code editing programs, or CAD/CAM translation processing programs, workpieces can be mass-produced, while maintaining the immediacy and convenience of traditional milling machines. Based on a traditional milling machine structure, these machines are easy to maintain, and parts are easy to obtain. The 15-inch, touch-screen control panel can interface with either a wired or wireless universal computer keyboard. The interface is easy to operate and can be customized to closely meet the user’s needs. The “Smart Machine” can use an API and CNC smart box, with a wired or wireless network, to allow the server to access the controller information and share the data with relevant decision makers. All these features make for a very efficient milling machine that can do multiple processes, all at a very affordable price. Pao Fong Industry Co., Ltd., established in 1986, specializes in the manufacturing of conventional milling machines, NC milling machines with CNC machine tools, and milling machines with Simple Automatic Control. Pao Fong’s innovative R&D designers, offer high-efficiency and high-quality machine tools for all customers.
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